Rigicon Infla 10 AX : 3 Piece IPP in New Delhi India

Transcript of the Video about Rigicon Infla 10 AX

are you looking for a three-piece implant a
three-piece implant is basically an implant

which has a pump and a reservoir which when
in a deflated state is completely flaccid

but when you use the pump to inflate
the implant the pump pulls in water

from the reservoir this is the reservoir
from the reservoir which is placed inside

the patient’s abdomen pulls in the water from
the reservoir and makes the penis fully erect

and once the sexual process is finished the
patient can just press the deflate button and then

just deflate the water out back into the reservoir
and it ends up with a completely flaccided penis

so a three piece implant is the global standard
for penile prosthesis surgery and there are three

major companies in the world that manufacture
these so one is the AMS 700 from the Boston

Scientific Company one is the coloplast Titan
touch and the latest entrant to this is the

ridicon company based out of New York which makes
its own three piece called as the ridicorn infla

10ax is a three-piece implant manufactured by
the same set of Engineers that make the AMS and

today’s video is an information video for patients
who are looking to get this particular implant

for themselves this implant has been available
for the past three years and now is available

almost in most European countries in the entire
Middle East India Asia Pacific including Korea

and Australia and it is soon going to receive the
U.S FDA approval and will be available in the U.S

even though this implant is still not FDA
approved but many of the prominent American

surgeons have used this implant or have seen
this implant in use at centers across the world

today’s video is basically not a paid video by
digicon it’s a it’s a disclaimer for my site

this video is not paid for by regicon company at
all but this digicorn inflow has been approved and

has been in use in India for the past two and
a half years in the past two and a half years

at my Center we have implanted more than 250 men
with this inflatable three-piece prosthesis and

the results have been fantastic the reason why I
started using this implant in India was because

this was the only three piece available with
the entire inventory second the features of this

implant were comparable to the previous versions
of the Boston Scientific and the coloplast and

the third this implant is the only implant which
offers a lifetime warranty for its patients so

considering that this is a mechanical implant and
India is a very cost sensitive country patients

were really eager to have a three-piece with great
functionality and at the same time peace of mind

that if there is a mechanical failure they do not
have to worry about paying out of pocket expenses

again so let’s start by understanding what does
the rigid core inflat any x what is this implant

made of and what are what are its features
that I find so satisfying for my patients

so three piece implant basically has three
components one is the reservoir this Reservoir

is the one that goes inside the patient’s abdomen
through the same incision there is a pump which

goes in the patient’s scrotum which the patient
can use to inflate and deflate and there are two

Corporal rods or two ah the two postices that go
inside the patient’s penis and provide rigidity

when required so let’s take each one of them one
by one and I will explain to you the features

that this implant has that makes it a good choice
for somebody looking for a three-piece prosthesis

so this is the cylinders the cylinders go inside
the penis the cylinders of the rigid inflow are

made up of four layers that is one layer more
than any other implant available in the market

the extra layer provides extra rigidity prevents
aneurysm formation and keeps the implant working

for many many years the fourth layer is also
the reason why this implant is able to offer

growth expansion because this implant is
supposed to expand in length and girth by

20 to 25 percent when fully inflated so it
has been found that men who use the inflat

and ax for regularly for more than six months
continuously cycle their implants they notice

a length and a growth increase which is up to
15 percent of their natural erect length at

a time of implantation what this also means is
that if you use the anatomical expansion model

you use the length and girth expansion model
you will actually gain size rather than suffer

from penile shortening which is one of the most
fascinating parts of this implant this implant is

also available in CX and narrow body versions so
in men who do not want length expansion but want

great rigidity the CX may be a good choice
and those men who have had prior surgeries

infections or have a narrow corpora the narrow
body version is also available for these patients

the implant comes in 5 5 sizes it comes from 13
centimeters up to 22 centimeters along with a vast

array of extenders so this implant is a good
fit for any size penis maybe Indian penis or

American penis or African penis a penis starting
from three inches and going up to eight inches we

have regular sizing available for any size penis
in terms of the cylinders and terms also of the

reservoir capacity these cylinders have a narrow
angle exit tubing by which the implant can be

easily placed inside the Kura and the patients
do not have to suffer from painful exit points

the way to place the implant is regular with the
help of a Keith needle the construction quality

of the implant is very similar to the AMS 700
so patients who are worried about construction

quality the implant is actually made by the
same set of Engineers who developed the AMS 700

and let’s come to the pump so the pump is the
device that is used to fill these implants up

now the pump of the AMS of the of the influx is
different from the AMS and the coloplast but it

incorporates the same features so you have a pump
which is in which is of a very minimal size uh at

least two to two and a half ml is required because
if we make the pump very small then it will take

a lot of pumps for you to fill the implant up so
normally it takes around 15 ml to get the implant

fully rigid so that translates to around six to
seven pumps to get all the water required inside

the pump has ridges on it so easily for
any patient to feel the pump inside scrotum

the deflate button has been placed literally so if
you see the coloplast or AMS the deflation button

is entirely so sometimes when the patient has to
deflate it he has to move his hand like this which

is difficult here they have given the deflate
button laterally so if it’s in the scrotum it’s

very easy it’s it’s a very natural way for the
patient to be able to deflate his implant this

deflation mechanism is also one touch release
or momentary squeeze technology is similar to

one that you see in Ms that need to press the
deflation button only once and the entire water

passes on to the reservoir now let’s come to
the reservoir so the reservoir of the air of

the digicorn inflow is available in two different
variants so we have a flat variant and we have a

round variant so the flat variant is usually
utilized in larger sizes where we do not want

too much profile with where it’s able to conceal
under the abdominal if we are placing an ectopic

Reservoir that flat Reservoir is very so this is a
demo piece and you also have the round reservoirs

which are again up to 75 mL which can be easily
placed in the uh infrapubic retro pubic space uh

just next to the bladder and in the conventional
way of placing reservoirs so the reservoir is

again the one extra advantage that the infiller
10ax has in terms of the reservoir is the Auto

inflate lockout wall so if you know the AMS the
AMS has a lockout valve at the level of the pump

the Colo plus has a lockout wall but the level of
the reservoir the inflator 2 has chosen to give

the lockout wall at the level of the reservoir
what that does is that if for example you are a

weight lifter or if you are into situations where
your abdominal pressure increases so you won’t end

up with auto erections so sometime what happens
is in AMS you would lift a weight and because

the pressure of water enters the cylinders and you
get direction which can be embarrassing to prevent

that auto inflation lockout wall has been given in
the reservoir which is a good addition especially

for younger men who are into Active Sports all
of these are connected with kink resistant tubing

this kink resistant tubing ensures that
unexpected kinking does not happen in the

implant and we don’t end up with situations where
we are not able to utilize the implant we get the

cylinders and the pump as a pre-connected model
and we have to connect our Reservoir to these uh

so if for example we have to ever change the
implant we can leave the reservoir inside and

we can just put in a fresh implant if required
so the inflate and ax in terms of construction

quality in terms of features is almost similar
to the other implants available in the market

the lifetime warranty the costing and the FDA
approval what a game changers which allowed us

to use to utilize this particular implant in India
and in the past 200 250 patients that we have used

we have put this implant in the results have been
fantastic there is also so most of my Employments

are performed by the penis total incision so
I have a lot of videos patient reviews patient

feedback inflation and deflation videos on my
channel so if you go to my channel and go to my

playlist in which we have put in the info videos
you can go through each one of them and gain more

information about this implant uh plus patient
satisfaction date is high the mechanical failure

rate I have not yet seen a patient in mechanical
failure uh the infection rate is again low because

this implant is fully hydrophilic coated and once
you use an antibiotic dip the results tend to be

fantastic so if you are looking for a three piece
implant which is cost effective which has a good

warranty and which gives you a length and growth
expansion with minimal risk of infections then the

inflat and ax could be a very good choice for
you thank you for seeing this video for more

queries feel free to reach out to me on email
or on WhatsApp we have a wealth of information

on our website and we have a lot of information
on our YouTube Instagram and Facebook pages for

you to explore more about this implant if you
would like to talk to somebody who has had an

inflow before you make your decision you can
contact our office we will be happy to connect

you to one of our patients in India or abroad who
have undermount this implant thank you so much

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