Penile Implants: 10 Crucial Considerations for Successful Surgery

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Get Implant, Get Implant, Get Implant… Seems like it has become a supermarket of Implants. Plastic surgeons doing Implants leaving Plastic Surgery, and the same with General Surgeons. It’s the Urologist’s job to do Implant Surgeries. Urologist means who performs surgery on Penis, who performs surgery on the Urinary System. It’s not a plastic surgeon’s job to do Implants. Their job is not to do Implants but cosmetic problems, burns, but Plastic Surgeon finds so much joy in doing implants, don’t you know your plastic surgery job? Why are you wasting the training you had for Plastic Surgery? If you wanted to do Implants! 2nd, The implant is the last treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, not the 1st treatment. Every day kids around 20-22 years old are coming to get an Implant done. Regarding implants, our first guarantee is, if you don’t need an Implant then we won’t do it. Patients come with money to get an Implant done, if you have got the money then take it back home, you are young so you can be cured with medicines, same kid comes after a month saying, they went to Gurgaon or Indore and got the Implant done from there, and now due to that Implant their penis is damaged and they are in pain & got an infection, but we had informed you that you do not need an Implant, why are you in a misconception that you need an Implant? Implant is required during the last stage, last stage means, medicines, PRP or shock waves are not working on you, your penis doesn’t erect, and you are unable to have sex, you have diabetes, trauma, venous leak. 90% of patients get cured without Implants. So if you have to get an Implant done, so it’s my request that, get it from a proper clinic, I’m not saying that you gotta do it from me, this video is not for my personal gain. Get an Implant done, but from properly trained Urologists, who has already done it for at least 500-1000 times, whose results are available and whose patients are stable, and who knows how to manage Erectile Dysfunction. A Plastic Surgeon doesn’t even get a training for Erectile Dysfunction, how will he manage? He doesn’t even know what ED is! He is a Plastic Surgeon, His job is breast implants, face implants and cosmetic surgery, and he has no idea of Penile Implants, Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation, but just because they are watching videos of Urologists, and copying them, and they would definitely charge less, because they’d give infections and don’t wanna cure the patients, [Music] Well, that’s your personal choice, today’s video is about, our 10 guarantees of Penile Implant, that if I offer Penile Implant to any patients, then I offer 10 guarantees to the patient along with the Penile Implant, so what are those 10 guarantees? We made these 10 guarantees so that a patient can be comfortable, because it was a new surgery and we introduced this in India. I got trained in the USA, Korea, when we introduced this, the number was very low. As patients used to be afraid, so to make patients comfortable, these 10 guarantees, are given to every patient from the day 1, and they have been getting this for the last 7 years and will continue to get it in the future too, and the 1st guarantee out of those 10 guarantees is, 10 years free repair. So 10 years free repair means, what is free repair? It’s not difficult to place an Implant and anybody can do it! Just cut it and place it, but giving results is difficult, and there can be complications, like infections, and what if it happens? What would the one who doesn’t know do? Will remove the Implant, your life and your penis, both are over and what will you do after that. We repair Implants here, if it’s damaged from somewhere else then I repair it, and if any of my Implant gets damaged, then we know how to repair that. So the centers of excellence or good centers, are good because their surgeon knows how to manage Implants. Only inserting an Implant is not everything, giving results, managing complications, and what to do if the proper result of the Implant is not achieved. So we have a 10-year guarantee that if we have taken any payments for an Implant, then we solve every issue regarding your Implant, and we never say no, we are just a call away, if you have any problem then give us a call and we are available. 2nd is no infection. The most dangerous complication in Implants is infection. A penis which is already an unhygienic organ, it has urine, hair, sweat it’s a hidden organ and heat & sweat are there, and in that unhygienic area, we have to insert a clean Implant. So it’s very important to follow every measures to control infection, clean OT, instruments, and good antibiotics, hair should be shaved properly, the surgeon & the technicians should be good, then the dressing room, you may get the surgery done today but the dressing room, proper precautions should be followed. So everything has to be maintained, then only infection can be prevented. You are calling and saying that you are going to Lucknow, and you are calling the patients to a small nursing home, and you are doing the surgery with less money, then he is bound to get an infection. In a nursing home where fistula surgery was done in the morning, and hernia in the evening, baby’s delivery is also taking place in that OT without any sterility, the OT where we do an Implant surgery is dedicated to that only, and no other surgeries are done there. Any Cesarean Section or any Hemorrhoids are not done there. Only implants are done there hence that OT is clean, it’s a dedicated Implant OT, there are dedicated staff for Implants. Now infections are being treated in a dressing room, then Cesarean treatment is also being done there, the stitches are also being opened, pus is also coming, and you are getting the dressing of your Implant done there then the infection will happen, so no infection, we have not had any infection here in the last 3 years, and there will be no infection in the future as well, and we take good care of this. So the 3rd guarantee is, Daycare Procedure. Daycare is not bad, it’s good. In every surgery in the world, they try to discharge the patient quickly, rapid recovery, no pain, works properly, quick urination. The patient says that they would like to be admitted for 3 days, but why? What do you want? Do you want the catheter attached for 3 days, continuous medicines and frequent dressings? Lying in pain, bleeding, swelling, bruising, infected stitches? No one wants that, we want the surgery to be done in 30 minutes, painless and good surgery, we want the patient to walk and go home the next day and resume working, and have sex after 15 days. So daycare, painless & quick 30-minute surgery, and it can only be done when your technique is refined, when you have examined your patients properly, and you have made your patient ready properly, if the patient is diabetic with a sugar level of 300-350-400, if the patient has Peyronie’s, and he has come from far, and he has to get it done, so that the patient was operated on without checking him or evaluating him. then complications would be there & the patient would remain admitted for several days, and being admitted for 4-5 days is not an achievement. Bloodless Surgery, we don’t want any bleeding but, I don’t get the bloodless concept. See the penis is an organ with blood, and how does it erect? With blood right? So first we erect your penis, or get it in an erection mode with blood supplies so that, it swells up and then we insert the Implant, so if you erect the penis and make an insertion then nominal bleeding will be there, but that bleeding is healthy as it’ll give you an appropriate size, and you won’t get an infection for that, that bleeding will help you to get nice girth, and we would want you to have an erection in the future as well, insertion of an Implant does not eliminate or reduce erection. Implant supports the erection and you’ll experience erection even after inserting an Implant, along with good girth, hardness, and increased timing. Then, one of our great guarantees is that No Hidden Charges. There are 2 types of hidden charges in the market in recent days. Being a doctor it’s shameful to say all these in a video but, it’s happening. 1st type of hidden charges are like, they would tell the patient that it’d cost this much, when the patient gets admitted then they would say, there’s a curve or phimosis in the penis so there are different charges for these, and there’s a problem of urination so there will be different charges for that, but these are parts of Implant surgery only. So if your surgeon has given you a price, then everything should be covered in that. So once the implant is inserted and the patient is trapped, then charging him ₹25k-₹30k after that, is not right. 2nd Hidden Charges, patient’s surgery is done and he has got some complications, so he comes back after 1.5 months but no one is treating him, or charging him more to cure the complications, like you have to pay this much more to get admitted. If I do you Penile Implant, then we have no hidden charge policy. You only have to pay that much which has been decided, and within that, full quality, full surgery, full recovery and, care for the next 10 years is included. So we have no hidden charges, all the basic tests are also included, but if there’s a need for any high-profile tests like Angiography, then obviously, we can’t do that and you’ll be informed in a transparent way in advance, and that’s not a hidden charge. So, nowadays many patients call us & say that it’s being done in this much amount there if it’s so then please do it from there, if we are doing a good job while providing a good quality, then we have to maintain a particular level, there are 4 technicians and nurses in our OT, along with an Anesthesia machine and good Cautery, and we always use new equipments for every new case, whether it is a tip of cautery or the suction tip, or the gloves or the drape, or the antibiotics or the IV cannula, nothing is re-used in patients, everything is thrown away after use. We do not use old/used cautery or needles or anything, because your safety is the priority. So the rate would be a little higher due to the better work we’ll do but, still, our rate is more convenient than many others, and there are no hidden charges anywhere, and it’s a completely transparent basic communication. We have already talked about the medicines of the best quality and now the Results. Regarding the results, our Implants are called Happy Implants. It means after getting the Implant you should feel that you got something to do, there is no benefit if you are only urinating after getting the implant, there is no benefit if it’s still not erect after getting the implant. Size, length, girth, angle, hardness, durability, toughness, your sex life should be revived and you should feel good after getting an Implant, and you enjoy your life, this should be the result, Making incapable even after inserting an Implant is not a result, and you must have watched the videos, as I have uploaded so many videos on Implant complications, revisions, and how we are managing it. So it’s my earnest request to you, first, whether you are young or old, and if you haven’t tried medicines yet, then do not go for the Implant directly. There are many options that can cure you apart from Implant. 2nd, if you are getting an Implant done then, please choose a Urologist. Urologists are either M. Ch. urology or DNB urology, those who have undergone fellowship training on Implant, and know how to do an Implant, and learnt A-Z of Implants. Plastic Surgeons or General Surgeons do not know how to do Implants, in the future, if a technician says that he will do the Implant and you do it from there, then, 5 out of 10 people might be cured but the remaining 5 will have issues, and you could be among the remaining 5 with issues, So please check the qualifications, and where you are going and getting your surgery done, as it’s your organ, people take opinions even for tonsil and gallbladder also, and they bet their penis like this, as if it’s not theirs but someone else’s. It’s your penis, you gotta enjoy and have sex with it, how can you be so careless with it? So if you are getting a Penile implant done, then do it from a good place, I have given guarantees also, if you do it from me then it’s ok but if not then also it’s fine, but it’s your right to expect these basic things from the place you are getting it done, like, the total cost, the result, the warranty, which implant is gonna be used? and it’s result and if there are any complications then who is gonna manage it! How many Implants have you done before? How are your patients and where are they? How are the reviews? As a patient, it’s your right to ask all these questions. And as a doctor, it’s my duty to tell you all these. So best of luck. Take care. This is not a commercial video. This is my small request to you that, taking care of your health is in your own hands, so please do complete research and avoid Plastic surgeons. Thank you so much and take care.

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