Revolutionary 3-Piece Penile Implant Surgery in India : Infla 10 AX by Rigicon

A Game-Changer in Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Performed by Renowned Urologist Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta in India

Rigicon Infla 10 AX Penile Implant in India

Expertise in 3-Piece Penile Implant Surgery for Optimal Results

In this informative video, Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta takes us through a comprehensive 3-piece penile implant surgery using the Infla 10 AX by Rigicon.

Benefits of 3-Piece Penile Implant (00:10)

Dr. Gupta explains the advantages of the 3-piece penile implant, including its ability to provide a natural-looking and feeling result.

Patient Condition (00:42)

The patient, a diabetic individual, has been struggling with erectile dysfunction. Dr. Gupta evaluates the patient’s condition and determines the 3-piece penile implant as the best course of treatment.

Patient Surgery (01:12)

Dr. Gupta expertly performs the 3-piece penile implant surgery, explaining each step in detail. The surgical steps include incision, implant placement, reservoir placement, and connection to the pump.

Conclusion (07:10)

Dr. Gupta summarizes the successful surgery and highlights the benefits of the 3-piece penile implant.

Result (07:36)

The patient’s post-operative result is shown, demonstrating the effectiveness of the 3-piece penile implant.

Outro (07:39)

Dr. Gupta thanks the viewer for watching and emphasizes his expertise in 3-piece penile implant surgery.

Search Keywords:

  • 3-piece penile implant surgery
  • Infla 10 AX by Rigicon
  • Erectile dysfunction treatment
  • Penile implant surgery in India
  • Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta
  • Urologist in India
  • Penile implant surgery expertise
  • Permanent solution for erectile dysfunction

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