74 and Still Going Strong: How a Penile Implant Gave Mr. Singh His Groove Back – Twice!

Penile implant revision in 70’s

The Story of Mr. Singh and His New Lease on Life

At 74, Mr. Singh wasn’t the kind of man to slow down. He loved good food, good company, and yes, even in his seventies, good sex. He and Mrs. Singh had been happily married for decades, but life, as it tends to do, had thrown them a little curveball about fifteen years ago when Mr. Singh’s “little buddy” (as Mrs. Singh affectionately called it) decided to take an early retirement.

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Now, most men might’ve taken that as a sign to hang up their boots, but not Mr. Singh. Always a man of action, he walked straight into the clinic of Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta, India’s top penile implant surgeon, and came out a new man—literally. With a shiny new Coloplast penile implant, Mr. Singh was back in action, reigniting his passion for life and intimacy with Mrs. Singh.

Fast forward fifteen years. The implant had served him well—very well. But over time, things had slowed down again. His implant, like any good tool, was showing signs of wear and tear. The erections weren’t as firm as they used to be, and Mr. Singh wasn’t one to settle for less than perfect. So, back he went to Dr. Gupta, this time looking for an upgrade.

Mrs. Singh, still full of her own youthful energy (and a decade younger than her husband), was all in. “Why not? We’ve had a good run, let’s make sure it keeps going!” she laughed, with a wink at her husband. Mr. Singh chuckled. If there was one thing he loved as much as his implant, it was his wife’s never-ending sense of adventure.

Dr. Gupta recommended a revision surgery to replace the old implant with a new, top-of-the-line Rigicon implant. A little bigger, a little sturdier, and with all the latest tech, it was just what Mr. Singh needed to keep the passion alive.

The surgery was smooth as butter. When Mr. Singh woke up, he smiled at his wife and said, “Round two, darling?” Mrs. Singh just rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face said it all.

Within weeks, they were back to their old tricks—enjoying romantic vacations, indulging in late-night chats, and rediscovering their intimacy. The new Rigicon implant made Mr. Singh feel like he was in his 30s again, and Mrs. Singh was happy to join in the fun.

“You’re only as old as you feel,” Dr. Gupta reminded him during the final check-up. “And with this implant, you’ve got another fifteen years of fun ahead of you.”

Mr. Singh couldn’t agree more.


The patient has been sexually active with a penile implant for 15 years, but it’s now starting to weaken.

The implant was originally a Coloplast model, and it’s time for a replacement.

Patient Background:

The patient is 74 years old, still active, independent, and recently married to a new wife who is 30 years younger.

He remains sexually active, regularly engaging in intercourse, and has come to get his implant serviced for better performance.

About the Implant:

The original implant, Coloplast, served him well for 15 years but has loosened over time.

The new implant will improve thickness and stiffness for better sexual function.

Travel and Lifestyle:

The patient and his wife traveled to Switzerland and spent a significant amount on the trip.

While enjoying the beauty of the trip, they also value intimacy, highlighting the importance of sexual wellness at any age.

Why Change the Implant?

Implants typically last 10-12 years before weakening, as seen with the older Coloplast model.

Newer models, such as Rigicon, are made of stronger materials (titanium) and offer improved durability.

Results After the Implant Revision:

The patient feels the Rigicon implant is comfortable and offers better performance.

Despite being 74, he reports no pain, didn’t require any painkillers after the surgery, and is pleased with the outcome.

Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta’s Role:

The patient researched extensively and chose Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta for his expertise in penile implants.

The revision surgery was done smoothly, taking just 10 minutes to remove the old implant and replace it with a new one.


The revision surgery is simpler and more comfortable than the initial implant surgery.

Patients can quickly resume their normal sexual activity after the revision, making it a great option for those needing an upgrade after several years.

Final Advice:

For those suffering from erectile dysfunction or issues with their current implants, getting a revision or a new implant is highly recommended.

Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta is one of the best in the field, with thousands of successful cases.


If you’re interested in learning more about penile implants or revision surgery, you can find detailed information on Dr. Gupta’s website.

Thousands of satisfied patients have experienced life-changing results, and you can, too!

Q&A: Everything You Need to Know About Penile Implant Revisions

Q1: What is a penile implant revision?
It’s like a “refresh” for your implant! After many years of use, penile implants can wear down, so a revision surgery replaces the old implant with a new one, giving you the same benefits you had when it was first placed.

Q2: How long do penile implants last?
Penile implants, like the Coloplast one Mr. Singh had, can last up to 10-15 years. After that, you might want to consider an upgrade to something like the Rigicon implant for even better performance.

Q3: What are the benefits of getting a new implant?
With a new implant, you can expect firmer, longer-lasting erections, improved sexual performance, and renewed confidence in the bedroom. It’s like upgrading your phone—you get the latest features and it just works better!

Q4: Who should consider a penile implant revision?
Anyone who’s had an implant for several years and feels like it’s not working quite as well anymore. As in Mr. Singh’s case, a revision can give you back the firmness and reliability you had when you first got the implant.

Q5: Why choose Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta?
Dr. Gupta is India’s go-to penile implant expert. He’s done thousands of successful surgeries, and his patients, like Mr. Singh, can testify to the amazing results. Whether you’re getting your first implant or upgrading to a new one, you’re in the best hands with him.

Q6: What makes Rigicon a good choice for a revision?
The Rigicon implant is a newer, more advanced option with great durability and performance. It’s designed to last longer and provide a more natural, comfortable experience.

Q7: What’s recovery like?
The great thing about revisions is that recovery is often faster because your body is already used to the implant. Most men, like Mr. Singh, can get back to their regular activities in no time.

Q8: Is it embarrassing to talk about getting an implant?
Not at all! These days, men of all ages are taking charge of their sexual health, and there’s nothing embarrassing about wanting to enjoy life to the fullest. Mr. Singh is proof that life—and love—don’t slow down with age.

Conclusion: It’s Never Too Late for Passion

Mr. Singh and Mrs. Singh’s story is a reminder that intimacy and connection don’t have an expiration date. Whether you’re considering your first penile implant or thinking about upgrading after many years, it’s always a good time to take control of your sexual health.

If Mr. Singh can be this active and full of life at 74, why can’t you? Don’t wait—consult Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta today to learn more about how penile implants, both new and revised, can change your life for the better.

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