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Testosterone in Hindi | Testosterone Full review

In this video learn more about testosterone. Testosterone Kya hota hai | Testosterone Complete information in Hindi | Testosterone ke Funde Video Chapters 00:00 Testosterone Introduction 01:00 Testosterone Kya Hota Hai 02:00 Testosterone kaise banta hai 03:00 Total Testosterone vs Free Testosterone (Hindi) 05:30 Testosterone ke fayde

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Testosterone Information in Hindi

Today we shall be discussing serum testosterone. There exist a range of misconceptions and myths about testosterone. In the following 2-part series, the concluding part arriving next week, we shall speak in depth about serum testosterone: what is it, where is it produced, how does our body use it, how it gets eliminated, what symptoms appear when testosterone is lowered, how is testosterone measured, differences between total and free testosterone, how to study one’s testosterone report, and in the upcoming episode, we shall touch upon what medication is available to treat low testosterone or symptoms arising from it, in which forms it can be had externally.

आज हम सीरम टेस्टोस्टेरोन के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे। टेस्टोस्टेरोन के बारे में कई भ्रांतियां और मिथक मौजूद हैं। निम्नलिखित 2-भाग श्रृंखला में, अगले सप्ताह आने वाला अंतिम भाग, हम सीरम टेस्टोस्टेरोन के बारे में गहराई से बात करेंगे: यह क्या है, इसका उत्पादन कहाँ होता है, हमारा शरीर इसका उपयोग कैसे करता है, यह कैसे समाप्त होता है, टेस्टोस्टेरोन होने पर क्या लक्षण दिखाई देते हैं कम किया जाता है, टेस्टोस्टेरोन कैसे मापा जाता है, कुल और मुक्त टेस्टोस्टेरोन के बीच अंतर, किसी की टेस्टोस्टेरोन रिपोर्ट का अध्ययन कैसे किया जाता है, और आने वाले एपिसोड में, हम कम टेस्टोस्टेरोन या इससे उत्पन्न होने वाले लक्षणों के इलाज के लिए कौन सी दवा उपलब्ध है, यह किस रूप में बनता है, इस पर चर्चा करेंगे। बाह्य रूप से लिया जा सकता है।

What is testosterone and how is it measured? First, what on earth is testosterone?

The word testo comes from testes, the male genital pouches and sterone implying steroid. It is, in essential, a steroid that body produces on its own. Under normal circumstances, one need not take it externally; the cholesterol within our diet suffices for the production of testosterone in the body. There are two areas in our body that produce testosterone. Among these, testes account for the most production, around 92-95% and only 5% comes from adrenal.

Essentially, adrenal are two glands situated above our kidneys, also known as suprarenal glands. These secrete a wide range of hormones within our body including testosterone. It is also secreted in females from adrenal glands. It can also be found in the womb, especially if the foetus is male, which secretes it on its own. But the mother also contributes some that is essential to the development of the child.

The testosterone produced by the testes is released in blood and gets circulated in the body. This circulation is effected in two ways. Only 1-2% of the entire production, called free testosterone, actively reaches different destinations in the body and works upon them. The rest of it attaches itself to some protein, either albumin, or sex-hormone binding globulin, and no longer actively lends action. The testosterone is loosely bound to albumin and can be released back if free testosterone is in short supply. But whatever is securely bound to sex-hormone binding globulin does not yield any action; it eventually gets broken down in the liver and is expelled by the body.

To reiterate, only 1-2% of the entire testosterone production is actually used up by the body. Testosterone reaches organs to act on them; However, this is not its active form. Testosterone produced by the testes must be broken down for use by the body. Take wheat as a metaphor; we cannot eat wheat directly; it must be crushed to make flour which is used to prepare bread. Similarly, testosterone is broken down androstenedione, or DHT and it is these powerful dimers of testosterone that cause effect. Two areas in the body can use testosterone directly: the muscles, and within the testes themselves, where sperm is produced. Here, it acts in its original form. But otherwise, in other genitalia such as the penis, prostate, seminal vesicles… it must arrive in its active form to work.

If the body is producing excessive testosterone, which is not being utilized, it gets converted in body fat as estrogen, which is primarily a female hormone. That’s why often, when bodybuilders take or produce testosterone in abundance, it converts into estrogen, causing irregularities such as drawn nipples, belching, lactating breasts and other changes likening to females. So, testosterone can lend side-effects if in high concentration within the body.

Benenfits of Testesterone for men

Testosterone is a male hormone and contributes to several benefits in the body. It makes him strikingly male, leads to growth of scalp and facial hair, development of testicles, sperm production, penis enlargement and excitement, sexual interest, libido, muscle and bone growth all these require or significantly rely on testosterone.

Apart from these, testosterone impact the brain considerably. It is said that testosterone verily maketh a man. It contributes to mental wellness, increasing libido and sex-desire, cheerfulness, soundness of mind and is sometimes referred to feel-good hormones. It keeps a man hearty! Also, aggression and motivation in him, the drive to work and raise a family, arises from testosterone.

What are symptoms of Low T Levels ?

If testosterone is lowered in the body, one begins to realize a disparity in these very things. Low testosterone would account for mental changes, such as depression, lethargy, weak libido, loss of sex-drive. Symptoms such as penis not growing confident or erect, not maturing in size, not drawing to full length or tension could develop. The patient can lose hair, his testes can shrink and muscles wean away. In succinct, his manliness wears away.

The evident question is, why does testosterone get lowered?

There might be several reasons for this which we shall discuss in the following episode. But along broader paths, disease, obesity, irresponsible diet, increasing age, injury to testicles, intake of hormone, drug or steroid can cause a deficit of testosterone in the body. If testosterone has gone down and brought about changes, it can be treated along various lines which we shall discuss in the concluding part to this series.

How testosterone is measured.

Many a times, your doctor might require you to gauge testosterone, that is, the corresponding blood test. It is essential to understand that testosterone levels continually change within the body. This is termed as variation and exists diagonally, seasonally or yearly. Put simply, testosterone levels in men does not hold stable and keeps fluctuating. Normally, testosterone levels peak when man gets up from sleep in the morning. So, it is advised to test early in the morning on an empty stomach so as to obtain optimal reports. But morning reports might prove inconclusive if they fall within the normal range, 300-350 and drops to 180-200 at night. Such marginal results could indicate that testosterone levels are running below normal during the day.

To measure the total testosterone does not often provide a clearer picture; it is more like a screening test. For instance, if total testosterone ranges across 500-600, we realize it is normal and so would be the free testosterone. If patient does not suffer from symptoms caused by low testosterone, and reports lie mid-range, we usually do not test for free testosterone because it can be expensive and is not of much use. But if testosterone levels are poor or spiking, or, despite normal levels, patient experiences symptoms of low testosterone, in such case, we gauge both free and total testosterone in order to determine whether free testosterone, the active one, that the body needs, isn’t running too low.

Measuring testosterone requires a blood test, usually in the morning.

Total Testosterone vs Free Testosterone

Again, there are two types; total gauges the entire testosterone in the body, and free, which measures only the portion bound to albumin, or the one freely available. It is very essential to study this report. There are four key elements in this report: first, the normal value at the lab where the test is conducted. It might be that normal values at the lab vie around 70 and your presumed level actually lies within normal range. The AUA deems testosterone levels (American Urological Association) below 300 as low and it is crucial to study normal value report. Secondly, if testosterone levels are reported to be low, whether the patient actually bears related signs or symptoms. If patient feels fit and yet testosterone levels are low, it would be wise to repeat the test. A signal test cannot singularly confirm levels of testosterone and might reveal normal ranges upon repeating. So, successive reports are good to lend confirmation before deciding upon a course of treatment.

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