Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta - Best Urologist and Andrologist in India

Tede ling ko seedha kaise kare | Curved penis Surgery

Today I’ll show you and tell you if the penis has curved and if the bend is more than 30-40 degrees, whether it is because of Peyronie’s disease, or congenital penile curvature, so we’ll understand what surgeries are available for the curve in penis.

आज का विषय है, मुड़े हुए लिंग की सर्जरी
आज मैं आपको दिखाऊंगा और आपको बताऊंगा कि क्या लिंग मुड़ा हुआ है
और यदि मोड़ 30-40 डिग्री से अधिक है,
चाहे वह पेरोनी की बीमारी के कारण हो, या जन्मजात शिश्न वक्रता के कारण,
तो हम समझेंगे कि लिंग में वक्र के लिए कौन सी सर्जरी उपलब्ध हैं

Tedhe ling ko seedha kare | Penile Curve surgery

Bent penis, If the penis is bent or curved, then the surgeries applicable So, in my last video, we discussed what bent penis means and it’s treatment To watch that video, click the link given below, I’ve discussed the causes of bent penis there and if the penis has already curved, then the methods available.

Today’s topic is, surgery for bent penis Today I’ll show you and tell you if the penis has curved and if the bend is more than 30-40 degrees, whether it is because of Peyronie’s disease, or congenital penile curvature, so we’ll understand what surgeries are available for the curve in penis.

It’s a little risky to put surgical videos on YouTube these days because when it sees photos of penis, it gets a chance to ban the video. So I have a different channel for the surgeries the link is given below, the name is ‘Dr. VG Gupta Surgeon‘, and I’ve put all my surgical videos there for you to watch. There are videos on bent penis as well, I’ve put down that link as well, if you want to watch surgeries live, so you click on the link, and watch that video.

Now, I’ll tell you about the names of the different surgeries available to treat the bend in penis and how they are done. Now we’ll talk about penile curvature, or the bend in penis and what surgeries are available for it.

Penis bend less than 30 degree

So, normally, a person’s penis should be straight If the penis is absolutely straight, then this is your horizontal axis, or pelvis, then normally, the angle should be 90 degrees So, normally, if it’s a little bent, suppose the penis is bent at 15 degrees, then it’s only a little bent and we usually don’t have to do anything to it It’s not hard to manage such little bend and such little bend never causes problems. Now, if the bend increases to 30 degrees, means if the bend increases to 30-45 degrees, then this much bend can cause the patient to face difficulty in performing intercourse.

So this much bend needs treatment, but normally, a 30 degree bend doesn’t require surgery; non-surgical interventions, like, P-Shot, injection therapy, penile traction therapy etc., work well.

Penis bend more than 30 degree

Today we’ll talk about those patients who have bend in their penis that is more than 45 degrees, in the range of 45-90 degrees. Meaning, either the penis has become like this, or the bend in penis is almost more than 45 degrees to 90 degrees. It is difficult for such bent penis to penetrate the vagina and have intercourse.

Now, this bend can be towards the tip of the penis, or towards the bottom, or towards the sides. The bend may be near the middle, or near the Glans, or near the base of the penis. So, wherever the bend may be, if it is more than 45 degrees, or it is so much that the patient can not have intercourse, and non-interventional and non-surgical therapies failed in their case, then they need surgeries.

To watch live videos of surgeries, like I said, my other channel, ‘Dr. VG Gupta Surgeon’.

Plication vs Grafting for Peyronies Disease

Today I’ll tell you about surgical techniques in brief. So, normally, our penis has two layers inside The layer of skin outside, and inside it has Tunica layer If you look at the cross-section, these are the rods of penis, There are coverings on these rods that give the penis strength. Whenever there is a bend, it happens due to defects in these rods or the Tunica. If, suppose, the defect is in this side, then may be this Tunica has shortening, meaning, this covering or Tunica has contracture and has contracted and pulled the penis towards it Or, there may be the possibility that this Tunica didn’t have a proper growth and the rod in the other side may have grown too much, so the penis may bend. So to treat the bend, there are two ways. Either we try to lengthen the shortening or rod that is short, or the one that is longer, we make it shorter.

So it will only straighten when we take this length and shorten it, and the penis will become straight or the ridges of Peyronie’s here, or the shortening could be removed and the area lengthened, then it is possible. So, to lengthen the penis, or straighten the penis, There are only two ways. Either the damaged area can be excised and a graft be put there, which is called Grafting technique, or, the longer area be stitched, which is called Plycation, or Nesbit technique.

So, these are the only two ways So, in old times, what they did during surgeries is, they used to pull out the entire skin remove the skin, put big incisions in the layer and repair it Nowadays, this technique has been modified and we do minimally invasive, meaning rather than pulling out the entire skin, only the bent area gets incised on directly these days.

We open up that area only and work on it If we do Plication, meaning only stitch it, and straighten the penis, then it is called minimally invasive Plication technique and, if we remove the ridges of Peyronie’s, and put graft on it, It is called a minimally invasive grafting technique. The graft, the area that we opened, like here the bend was here, there was a plaque that made the penis bend, We made an incision and removed the plaque, and the penis straightened. So the penis straightened, but the area that we removed created a defect if we don’t repair it, there will be Erectile dysfunction, and blood will leak so we have to put some kind of patch or graft on this area. Now, the graft comes in many types; there are saphenous veins which is a vein inside our legs, near the thighs a vein, which is not very useful to the body so it doesn’t affect much Even in cardiac cases, in heart surgeries the graft used in those cases is also put through the saphenous vein, so we can take the vein from the legs, and take a graft, or, there is Dacron patch, when there is a heart surgery, and we have to put artificial patch, then There are grafts of Dacron patch as well. Or, if we want, there were some cases of mine, where the foreskin is taken and grafted on the area. This makes the penis absolutely erect, and there are no problems either.

If, suppose, there are no plaques, the penis is very long, then there is an option, the bend or curve, we put two stitches on it and after that, when we tighten the stitches, the penis gets erect. So benefit in Plication technique is that the stitches may reduce the length of the penis but there won’t be any issues during erection whereas in Grafting techniques, there may be issues. So both these techniques are plausible, both surgeries take 15-20 minutes, in both the penis gets totally erect, but, experience, of the surgeon is important, who is doing these surgeries regularly, for a long time, so that the result you get is good, and first class. So, today I told you the types of surgeries needed for penile curvature or bent penis. I’ve provided you with the link for the live surgeries, I’ve also told you that if the bend is less than 45 degrees, then we can erect the penis in non-surgical ways as well

So, this non-surgical method is called Triple Therapy I’ll make the next video on it and explain to you what Triple Therapy is.

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